Welcome to our...
of Project Partners & Sponsors
Here you will find our expanding list of individuals, organizations, and businesses who have all contributed - most of them behind the scenes - with their time and / or with their resources, to help make this project a success. Please take a moment to aquaint yourselves with them.
We would be very grateful if you would click on the available links and visit their websites! By doing so, you would be helping us to thank them for their kind and highly-valued support. They have not requested this of us, but as they have supported us, we do this as a gesture "in-kind". Thank you very much!
Art Musical & Ballet Academy / www.artmusikalskole.com
The popular Oslo music institute for young aspiring dance and vocal talents.
Erling Holst-Larsen / Østfold Internett / www.ostfold.net
Web Hosting - Internet Services
Jan Novy / Företaget "Rätt Upp och Ner" / www.rattuppochner.se
The Landscaping & Construction Company, based in Göteborg, Sweden.
Karine L. Lund / Digital PrintService AS / www.printservice.no
Our Oslo Graphics Designer
Kjell Eriksen / Videomaker / www.videomaker.no
The Video Production Company
Leif Bråten / Leif Bråten Lyd / www.lblyd.no
Audio technician, music & recording production, choir director, musician.
Mark Ingham / The All Saints C of E School - Bedworth / www.allsaintsschbedworth.co.uk
Primary School Headmaster, Warwickshire, England
Michael Claxton / The MCMC Group / www.facesandplaces.jp
Tokyo-based renowned international photographer, PR-agent, and musician.
Tormod Aune
Sound engineer, Hønefoss
Øystein Grinna
Free-lance photography, Oslo
