About RAYE WALTER - Project Director - Singer/Songwriter - Choral & Vocal Coach
Raye grew up on America’s East Coast, but has also resided in the South, the Mid-west, and on the West Coast. As a young child, Raye exhibited extraordinary musical talent, coming from a musical and artistic family. Having always believed in God (Raye’s grandmother was a Sunday school teacher), Raye became a committed Christian in his early teens. And naturally, this decision and the ensuing life-changing experience affected his music interests and ambitions, as well.
RAYE’S MUSICAL ROOTS run deep in Soul, R&B, Jazz, Funk, and Gospel. He studied classical piano, as a child, and was a Voice major through preparatory music high school and in college. Raye studied Music Theory and Education, at Shaw University, Raleigh, NC, USA.
STARTING IN 1986, in Sweden, Raye arranged and produced the recording “We Love Gospel Music” (Royal Music) which turned out to be the catalyst for an all-new wave of interest in Gospel choral singing throughout Scandinavia. This, in turn, led to the establishment of several national and international Gospel choir music festivals.
Raye collaborated closely with the initiators and lead- ers of several of these festivals, as they developed their projects; also serving as solo artist, choir instructor and motivator: Stockholms Gospel Festival - Sweden, Skjaergårds Gospel Festival - Norway, and Glumsø Gospel Festival - Denmark; among them.
In Finland, Raye produced and recorded the “African Gospel Celebration” (FinnGospel), in Helsinki, for songwriter-artist and friend Pekka Simojoki, which became the foundation for a national touring Communion Mass “event” for young Finnish Christians.
AND HERE IN NORWAY, Raye was vocal & choral coach and co-producer for Oslo Gospel Choir’s first studio production: the best-selling and internationally-acclaimed hit recording, “Get Together” (Stageway)!
These are but a few examples of the expansive extent of Raye Walter’s pioneering musical influence and the “standard-raising” effect his efforts has had - and is STILL having - on the promotion and further develop- ment of Gospel choral music in Scandinavia.
Add to that countless concerts, choir workshops, guest lectures, and television & radio appearances, over the past three decades, across both North America and Scandinavia. All in the name of a music genre Raye loves - and believes in: Gospel Music!
GOSPEL CENTRAL is yet another milestone in Raye’s continuing contribution of inspiration, education and enlightenment, on the subject of Gospel choral singing, and its rightful - and well-deserved - prominent and pivotal position in the world of Western popular music!
In addition to his widely-acclaimed music expertise and experience, Raye Walter holds an Associate’s Degree in Applied Computer Sciences from the University of Uddevalla-Trollhättan, Sweden; and B.Sc. and M.Sc. Degrees in Informatics; including studies in Western Philosophy and Inter-Cultural Communication, from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Raye has language skills in 6 languages; employing three of them, presently, in this project.